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A deep dive into the thoughts that permeate my obsessive mind. There will be no scheduling here, no plans at all, just the analysis of whatever has driven me most insane recently. This could be a TV show, movie, some basketball player, a board game, video game who knows what I'll think about on any day. Chaos is my best friend and this blog will feature them as our centerfold.

My thoughts do tend to congregate under one larger general theme; design. The design of everything is fascinating, from the decisions made by a writer on a block buster film, to game mechanics on an independent board game. These decisions and how they impact and work with the medium they're present in will always be the focus of this blog, even if that isn't always clear. The decisions made here will be analyzed to hopefully understand what makes well designed art. So one day I can take these lessons, and apply them to creations of my own.


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